The gay blog Good As You has the latest on Sarah Palin’s church’s promotion of an “ex-gay” therapy program. If there’s a silver lining in the dark cloud that is Palin, it may be the mainstream media’s attention to this issue.
In other Palin news, here is perhaps the most bizarre item (and that’s saying something!) that I’ve seen about her yet. The Dallas Morning News is reporting that the glasses frames she wears have become a hot commodity locally. The story quotes Jeff Brown, owner of Image Eyewear in Oak Lawn. “The exposure she has given to them is phenomenol,” Brown said.
Last but certainly not least, above is a depiction of Palin by Dallas Voice sales rep Chris Edwards that now appears on the wall at Which Wich in Uptown. No word yet on whether worshippers are flocking download gamesлучшие поисковое продвижение сайта