DOUBLE-FISTED WINNER: Payne has two 2009 awards, Mr. Dallas Eagle and Mr. Texas Leather. Photo by Brett Vander

Dallas Eagle holds a Heading to IML fundraiser
for Jeffrey Payne.
Dallas Eagle,
2515 Inwood Rd. #107.
May 16 at 7 p.m.

Dallas Eagle titleholder Jeffrey Payne heads to Chicago to compete at IML
Over Memorial Day weekend, Jeffrey Payne will represent the Lone Star State in world’s kinkiest pageant: International Mr. Leather 2009. Dudes in ass-less chaps and latex-clad leather mamas head to Chicago for a BDSM festival that’s earned a reputation for being one of the coolest, most attitude-free gay gatherings in the world.

Payne a 41-year-old human resources manager, has been prepping for IML for a while. He’s already has two titles under his belt: Mr. Dallas Eagle 2000 and Mr. Texas Leather 2009.

Payne is somewhat of a Lone Star newbie. He migrated from Louisiana to Texas after Hurricane Katrina. On Saturday, the Dallas Eagle is having a send-off fundraiser to assist Payne with his Windy City travel costs.

Earlier this week, Dallas Voice caught up with the hunky daddy.

— Daniel A. Kusner

What are some misconceptions about the leather community? That we tie each other up and whip the hell out of each other every day. I try to educate people to the fact that we only do that on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

But the biggest misconception is that we are only about sex. If people knew the amount of work we do toward charitable causes, the dedication and time we contribute to our community, the perception of the leather community would be greatly enhanced.

What’s one thing about you that obliterates stereotypes about leather folks? I have a professional career. And all the time people say, "But you’re an HR manager. How can you like leather?"

Well, guess what? People in the leather community have professional careers. We’re teachers, doctors, lawyers, Web designers, bartenders, business owners and construction workers. Name an occupation, w­e have a leather representative in that community. And in most cases, we have multiple representatives.

How has the leather community evolved over the years? It’s grown. There’s a greater understanding. It’s due to communication across all sectors having increased to the point that the leather community is able to reach more people than ever before.

How many pair of shoes do you own? I’m a product of Hurricane Katrina. So when it comes to shoes, I’m rather "simple." Expensive shoes sink and absorb water just as quickly as the inexpensive ones. So I don’t have a lot of shoes. I have a pair of black shoes, brown shoes and sneakers. I have about six pairs of boots, and a pair of sandals. That’s about it.

Why do you think you’ve won these leather awards? Probably because I have a nice furry ass that shows off well in a leather jock. Seriously, I’ll leave that answer to the judges.

If you’re crowned the winner at IML, what would you do as the reigning spokesman? The same as I have been doing, but on a larger scale. However, my intentions and goals are to do everything on a larger scale, whether I am named IML or not. The title will not determine my involvement in the community.

If you could envision the perfect leather community of the future, what images would flash in your mind? Well, that’s a pretty hot image. I’d have to give that more thought. Perfection is a nice goal to have, but the journey is the fun part. Once you reach perfection, then what? And furthermore, what I envision as "perfect" may not be what someone else envisions as "perfect." So I’ll just enjoy the journey.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 15, 2009.

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