Here in Dallas, it’s news when a city councilmember refuses to attend gay Pride. But just up the road in Oklahoma City, one city councilmember is still voting every year not to issue a special-event permit for gay Pride. Not only that, in defending his vote, Councilman Brian Walters is still equating gays with wife-beaters and child molesters. From On Top Magazine:

“The reason I voted no on that is that I’m a born-again Christian and don’t believe in the homosexual lifestyle,” Walters, who represents the city’s Ward 5, told The Journal Record. (subscription only)

The council’s remaining seven representatives voted in favor of the event.

“I don’t want my vote to be construed as support, because I really don’t support that, the same way that I wouldn’t support a group of, say, pedophiles who wanted to assemble. I would not vote yes on that either, [or] men who beat up their wives. Anything like that,” Walters said Wednesday.

Needless to say, OKC Pride will go on with or without Walters’ support June 25-27. And organizers are quietly thanking Walters for the free publicity.

UPDATE: In response to Rickey Wagner’s comment below, here’s contact info for Walters:

Phone: 405 297-2569
E-mail: ward5@okc.govprogramma-dlya-vzlomaкак разместить рекламу в яндексе