Jordan Edwards

Days after it was determined that Balch Springs officer Roy Oliver shot into a car as it was moving away from him and killed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards, Oliver has been fired but not arrested for murder. And that makes a lot of people very angry.
On April 29, Balch Springs police were called to a house where a party was taking place. According to the latest BSPD media release, the 911 report indicated there were “underage intoxicated juveniles” in the house. While inside the house trying to locate the homeowners, police heard gunshots outside.
Once outside, officers confronted a car backing down the street. Despite ordering the car to stop, the car continued to back away.
In his original report, Oliver claimed the car was coming toward him. Video showed the car was backing away and Oliver shot into the car, hitting Edwards.
Sheriff Lupe Valdez and District Attorney Faith Johnson are conducting separate investigations into the murder.
State Rep. Eric Johnson released this statement:

“Devastating does not adequately describe this tragedy. My prayers are with the Edwards family. As a father, I cannot begin to imagine the pain they are experiencing. As the father of a black son, I share the anxiety that many black parents feel when we hear about situations like this. 

“I would encourage the Balch Springs Police Department to continue to display the transparency and accountability this sensitive situation demands, including reporting the details of this terrible incident to the Texas Attorney General as state law requires.”

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson released this statement:

“I am deeply saddened to hear of the fatal shooting of Jordan Edwards. I offer my thoughts and prayers to the Edwards family and to the entire community, who all have suffered a painful loss.

“I have spoken with Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez and Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson regarding this incident. Both Sheriff Valdez and Judge Johnson said they have already started to conduct separate but fair, independent and thorough investigations in their own right. I will continue to receive details as their respective investigations unfold.

“It is also imperative that we aggressively pursue these two separate investigations to preserve the trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.”

Oliver had been on the Balch Springs police force since July 2011. Police know who committed this murder and it’s time for an arrest in the case.