OfficeDepotThe gays were undoubtedly out in force on Cedar Springs this weekend to celebrate last week’s big victories for marriage equality at the U.S. Supreme Court. But so were the criminals apparently, and one popular parking area near the strip continues to be a major problem spot: the Office Depot at 2929 Oak Lawn Ave.

Two years ago, in the wake of a string of late-night armed robberies at Office Depot, Dallas police warned club-goers against parking in the poorly lit Office Depot lot. The problem seems to have gotten better since then, but in the last week, police have reported three vehicle burglaries in the Office Depot lot, in addition to another two in the parking lot of the post office — which is right next door at 2825 Oak Lawn Ave.

Also, one club-goer reported being robbed at gunpoint at Shelby and Dickason, behind the Office Depot, according to Officer Monica Cordova, a spokeswoman for the Dallas Police Department. Cordova said the victim eventually flagged down officers at 4000 Cedar Springs Road to report the incident that occurred at about 1:30 a.m. Sunday. Police have no suspects.

The bottom line is, if you’re going to the strip, avoid parking at Office Depot or the post office. If you’re lucky, the worst thing that will happen is you get towed.