Over half of single gay men in Britain would date President-elect Barack Obama, making him the hottest world leader, according to a recent poll conducted on the British dating site gay-PARSHIP.co.uk. Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero came in second at 19 percent. Among women, Irish President Mary McAleese (pictured) led the way, with 25 percent of lesbians saying they’d date her. Here’s the press release from Gillan Media Ltd, which contains the full rankings:

US President-Elect, Barack Obama, is the undisputed international superpower when it comes to gay love, with over half (52%) of Britain’s gay single men wanting to date him – according to a major approval poll out today. Irish President, Mary McAleese, tops the global lesbian love power rankings, bagging a quarter (25%) of the gay female vote.
Commander-in-Chief-in-Waiting Obama dominates the queer count, well ahead of similarly pro-gay left-wing Spanish PM, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (19%) and Gallic charmer, French PM, Nicolas Sarkozy (12%). Occasionally topless knife-wielding tiger-stunning muscleman, Russian PM, Vladimir Putin (9%); Britain’s own dour Scots heavyweight, Gordon Brown (4%); and flamboyant Italian multi-millionaire media mogul-cum-PM, Silvio Berlusconi (3%) – are all left bringing up the rear, failing to secure even a tenth of the gay male mandate each. Amongst single lesbians, staunchly pro-gay Irish President, Mary McAleese, proves big-in-the-ballots against former kiwi PM, Helen Clark (22% – left office mid-polling), and Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet (18%). Finish President, redhead Tarja Halonen (15%), comes a surprise fourth; trailed by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel (11%), and the younger, sassier Ukrainian PM, Yulia Tymoshenko (9%).
The online Leading Attraction? poll of hundreds of gay singles seeking a long-term relationship in the UK was conducted by gay-PARSHIP.co.uk – Europe’s largest serious dating site for gay men and women, which now boasts 320,000 members, attracted by its unique psychometric compatibility test and a methodology which ensures that you are only matched with people who are genuinely right for you.
Most desired gay male date with a world leader:
· Barack Obama (President Elect, USA) 52%
· José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Prime Minister, Spain) 19%
· Nicolas Sarkozy (President, France) 12%
· Vladimir Putin (Prime Minister, Russia) 9%
· Gordon Brown (Prime Minister, Great Britain) 4%
· Silvio Berlusconi (Prime Minister, Italy) 3%

Most desired lesbian date with a world leader:
· Mary McAleese (President, Ireland) 25%
· Helen Clark (Former Prime Minister, New Zealand) 22%
· Michelle Bachelet (President, Chile) 18%
· Tarja Halonen (President, Finland) 15%
· Angela Merkel (Chancellor, Germany) 11%
· Yulia Tymoshenko (Prime Minister, Ukraine) 9%
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