James Nowlin

DAVID TAFFET  |  Staff Writer
If Angela Hunt decides to run for mayor, the gayest council district in Dallas will be open, and at least one gay man has already announced he is throwing his hat into the District 14 ring.
James Nowlin, 30, has lived in Dallas since 2006. He is a graduate of University of Virginia and Duke University School of Law.
In 2007, he and a business partner he started Excel Global Partners, a corporate financial consulting and professional services staffing company. He said he maintains his law license.
If elected, Nowlin would become the youngest person ever elected to Dallas City Council. Hunt now holds that title; she was first elected at age 33.
Hunt appointed Nowlin to the Dallas Citizens Police Review Board, from which he recently resigned after deciding to run for office.
He has also serves on the board of AIDS Services Dallas and attends of Cathedral of Hope and Unity Church of Christianity.
Nowlin has already put up a campaign website and named Bill Prather as his treasurer.
While this is the first time he’s running for office, it is not Nowlin’s first campaign. In 2010, he served on the steering committee for Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson’s campaign.
“I’ve been talking to Angela for more than a year about succeeding her,” Nowlin said Thursday, Jan. 13.
If she decides to run for re-election rather than for mayor, he said, “We’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”
Among the issues Nowlin said his campaign would address are the budget, public safety, economic development, infrastructure and other issues of importance to the LGBT community and the community at large.
District 14 includes parts of East Dallas and Oak Lawn. If elected, Nowlin would be the first gay representative from the district since Craig McDaniel was elected to that seat in 1993 as the city’s first openly gay council member.
For more information, visit JamesNowlin.com.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition Jan. 14, 2011.