Several recent exhibitions, planned before the appointment of Agustin Arteaga, are currently on display. Among them:
cats-headDivine Felines: Cats of Ancient Egypt, pictured right. The pharoahs’ fascination with felines is explores in the statuary they created to honor cats of all kinds. Culled from holdings from the Brooklyn Museum. Through Jan. 7.
Shaken, Stirred, Styled: The Art of the Cocktail, pictured below. Four dozen shakers, tumblers, bowls and buckets of exquisite craftsmanship, from the heyday of Art Deco designs from the post-prohibition era of the 1920s and ’30s to the 21st century. Through Nov. 12.
Art and Nature in the Middle Ages. More than 100 objects from the 12th through the 16th cenmartini-glassturies portray the Europeans approach to representing the natural world. Opens Sunday; through March 19.
Daumier’s Political and Social Satire. The famed 19th century cartoonist’s scathing caricatures of lawyers, politicians and patriarchy. Through April 23.
Modern Opulence in Vienna: The Wittgenstein Vitrine. On display for more than two years, this extensively refurbished silver cabinet will conclude its exhibition this spring. Through May 28.
— Arnold Wayne Jones

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 02, 2016.