Mutants gettin’ married

Marvel’s gay hero Northstar moves fast. He just proposed to his boyfriend in last month’s issue of Astonishing X-Men and today the big day goes down. In issue 51 of the book, the fast-flying mutant settles down with his beau Kyle and by the cover, his mutie colleagues and perhaps much of the rest of the Marvel Universe is attending the fab wedding.

And you can too.

Zeus Comics will host an all-day reception at its location with refreshments and wedding cake culminating in a champagne toast at 7 p.m. Plus, you can purchase a copy of the comic for a keepsake because this really is some history going down. We just hope some bad guy doesn’t ruin it all trying to destroy the world again.

DEETS: Zeus Comics and Collectibles, 4411 Lemmon Ave. 11 a.m.–8 p.m.