This writer has already said that, if operating on an emotional level looking at the larger movement rather than personal passions, the “FckH8” video campaign never seemed like the smartest of political strategies. And I’m not gonna apologize for that. Because it didn’t and still doesn’t strike as all that pragmatic, to this site and its writer, at least. (**I recognize and respect that others strongly disagree)

But that all being said: The National Organization For Marriage’s latest effort to exploit and flip the aforementioned video campaign for its own purposes has taken the game to a whole new level of offense. Because look, check out this button ad NOM’s created to promote their own cause:

Nom Banner Protectchildren

The boy in the image? Yea, that would be one of the kids from the FCKH8 video. As in: A kid whose pro-equality parent/s presumably know about his involvement. As in: A kid who never asked for NOM’s “protection.” As in: A kid who is not one of NOM’s children, but rather a young member of NOM’s pointed opposition. As in: A kid who NOM says is exploited via his sanctioned participation in the FCKH8 campaign, yet feels is being “protected” by this unsanctioned, forcible participation in NOM’s own fundraising efforts. How dare Maggie and Brian and company use this kid in this way?!

When I say that the video doesn’t strike me as smart politically, I’m speaking only about the language. The anger, the passion, the sick-of-it tone, the drive to inject humor into the whole thing: That’s of course all 100% understandable. Anger, passion, and sick-of-it-iness that is 100% DIRECTED AT NOM AND ITS SELF-APPOINTED JOB PROTECTING SOCIETY AND ITS CHILDREN! So for NOM, the ones who are always crowing about kids being “indoctrinated” in this way or that, to now further their self-appointment by using this one kid as their little victim in need of saving?! Well forget the political strategy attached to FCKH8: This attempt to flip it and exploit the underage participants is just further proof that the only families NOM cares to “protect” are the ones that SCREW=.

Good As You