According to a story posted today on the New York Daily News Web site, a new poll indicates that 53 percent of New Yorkers support the bill introduced last week by Gov. David Paterson to legalize same-sex marriage in The Empire State.
The poll, conducted by Sienna College and released Monday, indicated that by a 53 percent to 39 percent margin, those surveyed say the state Senate should pass the legislation.
Unlike ealier polls, the Sienna College poll did not give respondents the chance to choose civil unions over marriage: “A recent Quinnipiac University poll found that 41 percent support gay marriage, one-third support civil unions and 19 percent said there should be no legal recognition.”
Ummm, did anybody else notice the really low percentage of respondents who said same-sex couples shouldn’t be given any recognition? Maybe somebody should point that out to the peple at the National Organization for Money and let them know they should quit wasting money on stupid “Gathering Storm” ads and move on into the 21st Century.как разместить рекламу в интернетепроверить инет