New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch has signed the gay marriage bill into law in that state.
The law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2010.

That makes New Hampshire the sixth state to currently legally recognize same-sex marriage. The others are Massachusetts, Vermont, Iowa and Maine (although opponents in Maine are already gathering signatures to force a referendum to repeal the marriage law there).
Six states — as Patti Fink said earlier today, that more than 10 percent!
The Associated Press is reporting that the New Hampshire House has approved a revised bill legalizing same-sex marriages, while at the same time strengthening protections for those with religious objections to performing such marriages
The vote was 198-176.
The Senate had approved the compromise bill earlier in the day on a 14-10 vote.
The bill now goes to Gov. John Lynch who is expected to sign it into law sometime later today.написание текстов для сайта работаконтекстная реклама статьи