By Staff and Wire Reports

Gay, lesbian Catholics plan “‘Rainbow Sash’ action for Pentecost Sunday

Members of the Rainbow Sash Movement will attend services at Catholic churches across the country on Pentecost Sunday this weekend wearing their rainbow sashes as a statement against “the fear and intolerance” displayed toward GLBT people by many Catholic bishops, according to a statement released this week by Rainbow Sash Movement officials.

“We see homophobia within the church as both an opportunity for education and a way to promote the idea of love of neighbor. We are calling for dialogue,” organizers said.

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African-American religious leaders join Lambda Legal to launch photo exhibit

African-American faith leaders and Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund will present a multi-media community celebration for African-Americans who support marriage for same-sex couples on Thursday at the New Jersey Historical Society to launch the “Marriage Equality Matters” photo exhibit.

The event will launch the “Marriage Equality Matters” photo exhibit featuring people of color who support marriage rights for same-sex couples.

The event will include a screening of the Showtime documentary short “Jumpin’ the Broom: the New Covenant,” followed by a discussion with filmmaker Debra Wilson.

Schwarzenegger to veto bill adding sexual orientation to anti-bias curriculum rules

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced he will veto a bill authored by California Sen. Sheila Kuehl that would add sexual orientation and gender identity to existing state curriculum anti-bias rules.

The bill would add GLBT people to existing categories in anti-bias rules that enhance teaching materials while leaving educators free to design their own particular courses, according to a spokesman for Equality California, the GLBT rights group that supported the legislation.

Schwarzenegger’s staff said the governor supports inclusive curriculum but does not want to micromanage educators, according to a report in the Sacramento Bee.

Gay Games registration closes June 15; costlier late registration opens July 5

Chicago organizers for the 2006 Gay Games have announced that the late registration period for all sports and culture programs will close at midnight on June 15, and that late fees for registrations will go up starting July 5.
Late fees will go up by $30 at that time.

Registration for band, badminton, golf, raquetball and ice hockey is already closed. Registration for other sports may close early if they reach capacity, officials said. All sports closures are announced immediately on the sports pages at

Tickets to opening and closing ceremonies, sports and cultural events and affiliated parties and events remain available for the Gay Games, set for July 15-22 in Chicago.

Republican using gay-baiting ads in North Carolina congressional race

Republican candidate Vernon Robinson is using gay-baiting ads and campaign flyers in his efforts to unseat U.S. Rep. Brad Miller, the Democratic incumbent in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District, according to a report published Tuesday in The News & Observer, a Raleigh newspaper.

One of Robinson’s recent radio ads features mariachi band music playing in the background as an announcer declares, “If Miller had his way, America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals.”

Robinson has also repeatedly referred to Miller as a “childless, middle-aged personal injury lawyer,” which has prompted further speculation about his sexual orientation, Miller said.

“My wife was interviewed on three television stations last week about why we had not had children and what was my sexual orientation,” Miller told delegates at the 13th District Democratic convention recently.

Miller’s wife, Esther Hall, cannot bear children after having to have a hysterectomy at age 27, before they were married, due to health problems.

Robinson has also accused Miller of having a “a loony-liberal voting record that is radical, fringe, extreme and far outside of the mainstream.”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, May 26, 2006. продвижение сайтов на украине