If you’ve been following the celebrity news, you’ve probably heard by now that actress Natasha Richardson is near death following a traumatic brain injury while skiing in Canada. Richardson isn’t exactly a household name, but I’ve been a fan. Most reports note upfront that she is married to Liam Neeson, but there are some other ties in her life that, for me at least, have kept her on my radar as a gay man:
• Her father, Academy Award-winning director Tony Richardson, was bisexual. He died of AIDS in 2001.
• Her mother is Vanessa Redgrave, long an icon of gays. She won an Emmy for the 2000 TV film “If These Walls Could Talk 2,” playing the surviving partner of a lesbian who died, leaving her without a home.
• Her sister is Joely Richardson, who plays the bisexual Julia on “Nip/Tuck.”
• Her stage career includes a Tony Award for playing Sally Bowles in the Broadway revival of “Cabaret.”
• She co-starred in “Nell” with Neeson and Jodie Foster, as well as “The White Countess” for gay director James Ivory.сайттоп план