This post is more information on the Tuesday night ban of drag queens and transgender women at Crews Inn. Ivana Tramp, one of the trans women kicked out of Crews Inn last Tuesday, just shot this artwork with local photographer Brett Vander last week.
“It’s funny to me that this is all happening. Because back at Stonewall it was the draq queens who really stood up for the rights of our whole community and were the first to fight for our rights,” Tramp said.
For now the protest is scheduled at 10 p.m. Tuesday. Keep checking here for updates. And look after the jump for more photos from the story.
Owner David Moore says that some big names in the Dallas drag world would lock themselves inside this bathroom with two or three guys.
“As far as DPD [Dallas Police Department] and TABC [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission] are concerned, there is something going on besides someone taking a piss,” Moore said.
According to Moore, when his staff asked the top talents to leave the restroom, they got angry. He says one threw a beer bottle at an employee’s face and another time one threw glassware. Both drag queens implicated deny that it ever happened.
In case you’ve never seen the front of the Fitzhugh bar.
Emelisa Nunez, who used to perform as Celeste Williams, was also one of the transgender women kicked out Tuesday.
Performer Vikki Wright works as James at Crews Inn. He says his boss is right on the money about how draq queens are behaving in the bar. This is him inside the Crews Inn back office.siteпоисковая оптимизация сайта топ