This is really interesting. The White House press corps has really honed in on the DADT issue. Gibbs got many questions on the subject today. And, Mediaite posted the video.

I’m most intrigued by the interaction between Gibbs and Kerry Eleveld on whether or not the President thinks DADT is unconstitutional. That exchange begins around the 4:30 mark and concludes with this. You have to see the video to see how curt and annoyed Gibbs get here:

Kerry Eleveld: Since the Justice Department is, you know, officially appealing the case, is it necessarily true that the President believes that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is a constitutional law?

Gibbs: Again, I have enumerated for you the belief, the President’s belief that it’s unjust, it’s discriminatory and that it harms our national security.

Kerry Eleveld: You have never enumerated for us his belief on the constitutionality?

Gibbs: I haven’t.

That response is classic. The transcript doesn’t do it justice. Watch how Gibbs reacts.

And, no, he hasn’t answered whether the President, a Constitutional Law professor, thinks DADT is unconstitutional. And, no one at the White House or DOJ will answer it either.

Yep, Gibbs throwing attitude at Kerry Eleveld for asking a very basic question. Classy.