Last week I reported on Kate Kendell’s recent visit to Dallas, during which the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights predicted with 98 percent certainty that Proposition 8 will be upheld by the California Supreme Court. This week, news editor Cynthia Laird of The Bay Area Reporter (San Francisco’s LGBT newspaper) followed up on my story by conducting a more in-depth interview with Kendell. Kendell told Laird that I caught her in “a more pessimistic moment,” but as Laird put it, “she acknowledged what virtually every other legal analyst has said since the justices heard oral arguments last month: the court likely will uphold Prop 8.”
“Clearly, watching the oral arguments I felt my heart sink,” Kendell said.
Kendell may call this pessimism, but I prefer to call it the kind of straight talk that this community could use more of from its leaders. Besides, as columnist George F. Will once wrote, “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.”
You can read Laird’s full interview with Kendell by going here.siteподбор запросов яндекс