On Friday night, Sally Sparkles won The Miss Texas America tiara at the Rose Room. She busted out a fast-and-tight routine about being racy, pitstop beauty, below. Her execution was quite polished.
Now comes the janky part. I have pictures, but I misplaced my notes that I scribbled on the back of two trick cards.  So I don’t have the contestants’ names … But here are some pix. And if I find my notes, I’ll re-write this post.
But the funniest talent was the first contestant who busted out a ghetto, old-lady rumpshaking routine with walkers, a motorized wheelchair and plenty of wrinkles and sundresses, below.
UnShaunte DeFoxx, below, gave a memorable performance — an homage to Grace Jones.
UnShaunte repeatedly licked the stage floor and — like a freaky possessed girl in need of an exorcism — stuck her tongue out at the judges, who looked more scared than impressed.  Unfortunately, I don’t think her brave creativity earned many points. UnShaunte didn’t even place in the top five. And at one point during her routine, someone watching from the wings (I don’t think it was one of UnShaunte’s dancers) lost their footing behind the curtain and fell off the stage, wrecking the pageant decor.
Cassie Nova, below, absolutely rocked her talent — some Broadway comedy number that I didn’t recognize (nor do I remember from my notes). Her costumes and backup dancers were dazzling. Cassie won first alternate.
Vega Marie St. James, below, busted out that Dreamgirls song, “And I’m Telling You,” which after the 10 millionth time just makes you want to roll your eyes. But Vega Marie gave it up! Of course, I don’t have my notes, but I think she placed in the top five.
Jordan Sinclair (I hope that’s the right name), below, did an ugly cheerleader mashup, which was funny. But I was totally scoping her hottie backup dancers, whom I couldn’t photograph because it was already after 2 a.m., and my camera battery was on its deathbed.
Fun show, though. Congratz to Sally!game online rpg mobileреклама гугл эдвордс