Mildred Loving died Friday, May 2, at her home in Caroline County, Va. She was 68.
Mrs. Loving and her husband, Richard, an interracial couple, made history in 1967 when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld their right to marry, and in doing so, invalidated laws existing in at least 17 states at the time, including their home state of Virginia, that banned interracial marriage.
Kevin Cathcart, executive director of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, issued this statement: “Mrs. Loving and her husband are a testament to the power of standing up for equality and fairness. Love always wins over hate and bigotry in the end — though the road to justice can be long.
“Last year on the 40th anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia decision Mrs. Loving bravely stepped forward to include marriage equality for same-sex couples as part of her vision of equality. We are grateful for her leadership. Our thoughts are with her family today.”
Richard Loving was killed in a car accident in 1975.
For more information about the history of the case, read the Wikipedia entry here.оценить уникальность сайтаанализ сайта проверка