UNT senior and German/Spanish major Raul Juarez is exploring the world of publishing


Raul Juarez

JAMES RUSSELL  |  Staff Writer
Since Raul Juarez joined the Dallas Voice as our intern last month, the University of North Texas senior has contributed two stories to our print issues. But Juarez is more than just a byline. I sat down with him to learn more.
Dallas Voice: What’s your background?
Where do you live? Raul Juarez: I’m 24 years old, so I was born in 1990. I was raised in Garland and still live there with my mom and all three siblings. I’ve lived there my whole life. I’m the oldest of four. My dad died around nine years ago.
Why did you decide to apply for an internship with Dallas Voice? I was looking to get more experience in publishing. Journalism isn’t my major, but it’s important and of interest to me. Media influences what is said and read.
What are you studying at UNT? I’m aGerman and Spanish double major with a minor in public administration. I was raised bilingual but picked up German when I was at Richland College. It was one of the choices that didn’t require I learn a new alphabet.
Where else have you worked? I haven’t, but I’ve interned a lot. I worked at Paciugo and the Richland College Library. I also worked as a bilingual interviewer for HIV research at the Texas A&M Public Policy Research Institute’s Dallas satellite. When I went to Berlin through a cultural exchange, I was a gay and lesbian youth engagement intern for a big LGBT group. I passed out condoms, educated students about bullying and worked with gay and lesbian youth.
What was coming out like? I’m out to most of my family. I came out to my brother first. He jokingly made a big deal out of it, saying “Oh well I need to talk to human resources!” I laughed because he made it clear it was no big deal. I also remember it was the day Lady Gaga first came to Dallas! I can’t remember the date. (laughs)
You live in Garland and commute to UNT in Denton? Yeah but it’s not too bad. It was last semester when I took 18 hours. But I’m not doing that again. The ride can be interesting. You get time to think. You can meet people along the way if you stop somewhere.
You’ve been at Dallas Voice a month.What’ve you learned? I’ve become a better writer and have gotten a glimpse into stories of the interest to the local LGBT community. I’ve learned how to investigate, too. Overall I have learned a bit from everyone. But there are still things I want to learn, like our design software.
What about after you leave the Voice? Do you know? I still don’t know. I know I have to finish school, and see what happens.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 3, 2015.