Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings does his Mayor Quimby impression during a Pride Month ceremony Wednesday, June 13, at City Hall. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

Mayor Mike Rawlings declared June Pride Month in Dallas wearing a rainbow sash he got last weekend at Boston Pride. He said Boston’s parade attracted a lot more people than we do in Dallas, but joked, “We have less clothes in our parade.”

The mayor also told the more than 150 people in the Flag Room at City Hall that he always wanted to have a sash that said “mayor” so he could look like Mayor Quimby (the mayor of Springfield on The Simpsons).

The proclamation at City Hall has become an annual event, but today’s (June 13) event was the best attended.

City Councilman Adam Medrano handed out awards on behalf of the Mayor’s LGBT Task Force, which he chairs. City Attorney Larry Casto received an award for work done to make city ordinances equal and benefits more comprehensive. Over the past year, benefits have expanded to provide fully comprehensive transgender healthcare. Jo Giudice received an award for opening the library for a number of LGBT events including a recent prom for seniors and the ongoing drag queen story time for children.

In his invocation, the Rev. Neil Cazares-Thomas noted that the Southern Baptist Convention was meeting at the convention center next door with Westboro Baptist Church protesting outside, but the mayor and council were there with the LGBT community. He also noted that the day before was the second anniversary of the Pulse massacre in Orlando.

Medrano presented three additional awards: Equality Texas President Steve Rudner for leadership, Dr. Ximena Lopez of the Gender clinic at Childrens Health and Lost Souls Rugby for representing the community.

Patti Fink presented Det. Laura Martin with an award for her years of service as police LGBT liaison.

— David Taffet