Dallas porn stud, alleged rape victim holds ‘sex vacation’ sweepstakes

VACATION, ALL I EVER WANTED: Wyler’s 2009 travel plans include Chicago, Buenos Aires, New Orleans, Madrid and Prague. COLT STUDIOS

Brutally forcing sexual intercourse against someone’s will is a serious crime.

In October, local porn stud Mason Wyler spoke with Dallas Voice about being raped at his downtown apartment on Sept. 20. He also spoke with other media outlets, like GAYVN.com. And after comparing Wyler’s versions of the attack, the Voice backed off from reporting on it.

There were just too many discrepancies, like: the location (Houston or Dallas); neglecting to tell Dallas Voice that the alleged assailant had a gun; and omitting salient details, like, possibly being raped by more than one attacker …

This week, Senior Cpl. Kevin Janse, a Dallas police spokesman, told Dallas Voice that it does not appear that any charges will be filed in the case.

And what a coincidence! It looks like Wyler has made a miraculous recovery because on Dec. 3, he launched an exciting "Sex Vacation Sweepstakes!"

If you go to WylerNation.com and send a dirty picture of yourself — naked or shirtless — and holding a sign that says you "want to do me," y’all can win $1,000 and go on an all-expenses paid vacation (including airline, hotel and food).

Wyler and his boyfriend Marcus (who was also allegedly raped) will review the entries and pick five winners.

Destinations include Chicago in May 2009, Buenos Aires in June 2009, New Orleans in September 2009, Madrid in November 2009 and Prague in December 2009.

Oh yeah, when you send in your dirty entry photo, you have to concoct a vivid erotic fantasy about what you’d like do with Mason.

And remember, "Creativity counts."

People talks to single dad Ricky Martin

The Dec. 10 edition of People magazine contains mouthwatering new photos of Ricky Martin holding his four-month-old twins Valentino and Matteo.

The 36-year-old single DILF told People why he chose to become a parent via surrogate.

"Adoption was one option, but it’s complicated and can take a long time," Martin said. "Surrogacy was an intriguing and faster option. I thought, ‘I’m going to jump into this with no fear.’"

Martin also says he’s hands-on daddy.

"I don’t have a nanny. I’m doing this on my own because I don’t want to miss a moment," Martin said.

But the Puerto Rican hunk isn’t totally alone.

"I have a personal assistant who helps me, someone who takes care of me while I’m taking care of them," Martin says.

‘Twilight’ star rocks as Joan Jett

Kristen Stewart — the vampire-loving Bella in "Twilight" — probably has the clout to do whatever she wanted. Her choice? Play Joan Jett.

Stewart will co-star as one-quarter of the original ’70s bad-girl group, The Runaways (the band that also produced hair-metal star Lita Ford), in a biopic about the group’s rise and fall.

The band turned the tables on music industry expectations by not conforming to manufactured girl-group norms, instead becoming role models for future women in rock with hits like "Cherry Bomb."

Jett is a fierce musician, but her publicists ordered Dallas Voice to print a retraction because we once described the androgynous star as "queer."

Other casting news isn’t available at the moment, but Jett herself will act as executive producer rather than get in front of the camera and unnecessarily remind anyone of her late ’80s Michael J. Fox vehicle, "Light of Day."

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 12, 2008.
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