Dallas’ favorite hot-mess porn stud promises to repay webcam admirers

WHO’S WHO: Clockwise from top left — porn drama queen Wyler; lesbian gossip Smith; gay dad Aiken, and Elton John.

Someone get Mason Wyler a reality show. Because this kid has more drama than a soap opera.

The last time Wyler caught our attention was in December, when Dallas police officer Kevin Janse told Dallas Voice that the investigation surrounding Wyler’s alleged "rape" at his downtown Dallas apartment was being dropped — because Wyler refused to speak with detectives. Of course, this was after Wyler revealed an evolving saga about being forced to have sex against his will.

On Monday, Wyler issued an apology on his Web site: But it wasn’t about "the rape."

According to QueerClick.com, Wyler gave out his personal phone number to 50 fans who donated at least $50 — promising unlimited dirty phone calls and twice-weekly cam sessions.

Well, Wyler disappointed his admirers.

Part of his salacious explanation included: blaming his "boyfriend’s family," "got drunk as hell and pass[ed] out in a bathhouse" and was "tag teamed" by two muscled escorts.

Admitting that he’s too slutty and irresponsible to fulfill his promises, Wyler says he’ll issue full refunds to the 50 "webcam talk-a-thon participants." That is, once he gets his PayPal account thawed out. Wyler says someone reported that he was using PayPal to sell explicit services, which froze the funds.

On his blog, Wyler included this cryptic message: "Unless I say, ‘seriously.’ Don’t take everything I say so seriously."

Aiken parts ways with RCA
Gay daddy Clay Aiken wasn’t able to renew his recoding contract with RCA records. The Claymates noticed that Aiken’s images were removed from RCA’s Web site. And this week, Aiken’s publicist conformed the split.

According to Billboard, Aiken’s 2008 album "On My Way Here" sold only 159,000 copies in the U.S., compared to his 2003 debut album, "Measure of a Man," which sold 2.78 million copies.

Aiken ended a stint in January in the Broadway run of "Monty Python’s Spamalot." In December, he told People magazine that he looked forward to returning to his native North Carolina with his son Parker, born Aug. 8, following the show.

"I want to spend time with Parker," Aiken said. "He’s still uber-dependent. I’m ready for him to start talking. I’m ready for a little action!"

Aiken also said he was looking forward to some downtime: "We’ll take a little bit of time, we’re not quitting or anything, we’re just going to take it slow for a month or so and recollect once I get back," he said. "I may never have any free time once Parker starts walking and talking!"

Elton returns to Laramie
Elton John announced that he’ll perform April 3 at University of Wyoming. Proceeds will benefit the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Tickets ($35-$85) go on sale Monday, March 2.

John also performed in Laramie in 1999 — in honor of the gay UW student who died in 1998 after being tied to a fence and beaten.

In 1999, John told the audience that the U.S. is a big country and should have enough room for people from all walks of life.

The two men who killed Shepard are serving life sentences.

Elton’s 1999 show in Laramie was an epic performance. He played more than three hours, covering most of his hits without seeming to tire.

Liz Smith out at New York Post
After 33 years at the New York Post, Cowtown native Liz Smith will publish her last column in the New York Post this week. Her editor, Col Allan, says the current financial crisis forced Smith’s termination. The 86-year-old gossip maven was making $125,000 a year.

"I figure that without having to pay my salary, the Post will immediately go into the black," Smith joked.

Last year, the frequency of her columns was cut to three days a week. "I protested," Smith said. "I had meetings with everybody. I carried on. Didn’t do any good. Mr. Allan is firmly at the helm of The New York Post, and I was never under the impression that I was his cup of tea."

Liz will continue a form of her column at the Web site wowOwow.com.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition February 27, 2009.
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