DIFFA’s latest incarnation takes the form of a masquerade ball. And it’s not even Mardi Gras anymore



Screen shot 2014-03-27 at 2.32.25 PMThere was a time when the DIFFA gala was all about denim. Jeans jackets were the fashion accessory, gussied up by acclaimed designers and even A-list celebs, bid on during a runway show. But times change, and DIFFA has changed with them. The big AIDS fundraiser has, for one, moved to a new locale (from the Anatole to the Omni Hotel), and while there are still jackets (more of the smoking variety) to glam up the place, the theme this year focuses on a masquerade ball. Elaborate Venetian masks will be a selling point, but as always, it’s as much about raising money as it is looking good.

Here’s a selection of some of the masks up for auction this year, but expect Dallas’ fashionistas to arrive with their own as well.

— Arnold Wayne Jones


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 28, 2014.