
Del Wilson, left, and Keith Dishman were married recently in Massachusetts after nearly 35 years together. (Courtesy photo)


Del Wilson and Keith Dishman recently traveled to Massachusetts to be legally married after almost 35 years as a couple. As part of our 2014 Family Life issue, Wilson answered a few quick questions for Dallas Voice.

Dallas Voice: How long have you been together? Del Wilson: We have been together for nearly 35 years.

Why marry now? We have had enough time to consider it carefully. Seriously though, we have supported gay marriage for the community for years and how better could you show that support than to take the plunge?

Did you ever imagine you would marry someone, much less see a day where you would be able to marry someone of the same sex? When I was young I did not expect to marry. But the hope to be able to marry “a dream in the shape of a man” was always there.

What advice would you give to younger same sex couples considering marriage? Don’t rush into it. Marriage is not for the weak, and it can be great to be with someone over a long period of time. It’s the same advice I would give any couple.

And of course, where would you suggest they vacation? Everywhere your heart, interests and money will take the two of you.

– Tammye Nash