Opponents of marriage equality are readying themselves once again for an attempt to strip the right to marry from same-sex couples in the nation’s capital. Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, who chairs the Republican Study Committee, recently told beltway newspaper The Hill that he supports legislation to repeal marriage equality in D.C. Our own Michael Cole-Schwartz sounded off on the issue today in Metro Weekly

Jordan expressed that the he believes that the 175 member committee will push for a vote during the 112th Congress, and that he was “100 percent for it.”

Same-sex couples began seeing marriage equality in the district last year and recently won a struggle against outside groups like Alliance Defense Fund and the National Organization for Marriage trying to put citizens’ right to marry up for a public vote.

Attempts to place marriage equality on the ballot in D.C. have been rejected by the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics after having been determined to violate D.C. Human Rights Act. Most recently, the Supreme Court refused to weigh in on the issue, initiating a shift in the tactics of marriage equality opponents in the district from judicial to legislative.

Brian Brown, NOM’s Executive Director, recently commented on congressional action, stating that he will “look at what the best route is” to have Congress intervene.

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