By Staff Reports

Rob Schlein, president of Log Cabin Republicans Dallas chapter, and Republican U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions, of Dallas, both spoke at a combined meeting of gay and mainstream Republicans in North Dallas recently. Sessions told the audience that a fraternity brother of his died 13 years ago of AIDS, according to Schlein.

Log Cabin Republicans and a mainstream Republican group in North Dallas conducted a joint meeting recently, according to Rob Schlein, president of Dallas’ chapter of Log Cabin Republicans.

“It was a packed house with 60 in attendance, including many Republican candidates across the spectrum,” Schlein said in a statement. “It was a great night for visibility for Log Cabin.”

Schlein said he spoke to the group and showed a Log Cabin video, “Courage Under Fire,” to the group. The video featured a Log Cabin member who served in World War II and was a prisoner of war held by the Germans.

Schlein said U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions was at the meeting and spoke after him. Sessions told the audience during his speech that a fraternity brother of his had died of AIDS about 13 years ago.

Sessions said that he looked forward to opening dialogue with Log Cabin Republican members, according to Schlein. The congressman said that he once was contacted by the gay Republican group for a meeting but had to cancel because of a scheduling conflict.

Schlein said Sessions voiced support for Rudy Guilliani for president and predicted that Log Cabin members would see shifts in administration policy under Guilliani that they could embrace.

Schlein said the Dallas County Republican Party’s new county chair, John Neerman, is is open to working with Log Cabin members.

“”This is a huge move forward for the acceptance of gay people in the Republican ranks,” Schlein said. “I think nearly all of the Log Cabin members felt elated after the event.”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 23, 2007 поведение клиентов