TCGPWA celebrates Easter with Agape
Tarrant County Gay Pride Week Association celebrates Easter on Saturday, April 4 by participating in Agape MCC’s Easter Egg Hunt.
The Easter Bunny visits Agape MCC, 4615 E California Parkway, Fort Worth at noon to begin an afternoon of games and contests for kids. Each child receives four tokens to play games. Easter egg hunts begin at 1 p.m. for children up to six years old and at 3 p.m. for children 3 to 12 years old. At 2 p.m. is a pinata bash. Coloring and drawing contests take place through the afternoon and door prizes are awarded at 4 p.m.
Fort Worth Rights Now plans protest
Damon Carver, organizer of Fort Worth Rights Now, along with GetEQUAL Texas, plans a protest from 4-7 p.m. on April 4.
Meet at Chipolte, 3000 W. 7th St., Fort Worth. Protesters then plan to take over the busy intersections at University Avenue and W. 7th St. with banners and crosswalk picketing. The protest is in response to Indiana-type discrimination laws that are being considered around the country.
“We will not allow any citizen of Texas to abuse religion to arbitrarily hate LGBT people, minorities, and non-traditional people in Texas,” Carver said.


Chris Chism

Chris Chism makes Alexandre’s debut
Cathedral of Hope assistant director of music and worship Chris Chism makes his Cedar Springs debut at Alexandre’s on Wednesday, April 8.Chism said he plans to sing and play Top 40 covers as well as a few standards and original material.
Equality Texas holds final advocacy day
Equality Texas holds its third and final advocacy day beginning at 11 a.m. on April 13.
Meet with lawmakers in Austin to talk about how discrimination affects the LGBT Community.
GALA North Texas is sponsoring transportation from Plano for $15 that includes food. Tickets for transportation from Plano are available at
Training takes place at First United Methodist Church of Austin, 1201 Lavaca St., Austin at 11 a.m. The church is one block west of the state Capitol. People are assigned to groups and each group given about seven legislators to visit.
To register for the day, visit
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 3, 2015.