By Staff Reports

Rainbow Garden Club holding meeting on planning, creating gardens
The Rainbow Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m. Garden Club members Alan Rister and Greg Armstrong are hosts for the meeting and Rister, a Dallas County master gardener, will speak on "Creating a Garden: From Concept to Finished Landscape."

The presentation will include a discussion of the principles of planning a garden, a comparison of formal vs. informal garden design and how to create checklists of various factors to consider when planning a garden.

For more information and directions to the meeting go online to

Youth First Texas gives benefactors a chance to ‘buy stock’ in organization
Youth First Texas presents "The Hall Street Journal," a fundraising event for the LGBT youth organization on Wednesday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Zubar, 2012 Greenville Ave.

The event gives donors a chance to become a "preferred stockholder" in YFT, with "shares" trading at $25 each, with each person attending requested to purchase at least one share. Each share purchased includes an entry into a drawing for prizes.

Complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served.

Those who cannot attend but would like to donate can mail checks to YFT at P.O. Box 192004, Dallas, Texas 75219.

Host committee members are Pam Gerber, James Vasilas, Vanessa Benevides, Chris Heinbaugh, Randy and Victor Ray, Scott Barretto and Michael Doughman.

To RSVP, go online to www.YouthFirstTexas.or/HallStreetJournal.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 6, чат для сайта бесплатнобанерная реклама google