David Chard gets Senate approval

The U.S. Senate approved President Barack Obama’s nomination of Southern Methodist University’s Dean of Education David Chard to the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences. The 15-member board oversees and directs the work of the Institute of Education Sciences.

As the research arm of the U.S. Department of Education, the institute collects and analyzes education research data and funds researchers nationwide who are working to improve education outcomes for all students, particularly those at risk.

Chard, who is gay, has served as dean at SMU since 2007. Chard will serve a three-year term on the board.

“I am honored to serve on the National Board for Education Sciences as a researcher, educator, and a representative of SMU,” Chard said.


HRC family presentation moved

The HRC Family Project workshop on Saturday, May 12, has been moved to the Warwick Melrose Hotel on Oak Lawn Avenue.

Continental breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. and the program begins at 10 a.m. Speakers will present a variety of options including surrogacy, foster care and adoption, as well as related topics like estate planning.

Speakers include infertility consultant Mindy Berkson of Lotus Blossom Consulting, who will discuss surrogacy and egg donation with an insider’s approach to maximizing success rates. Attorney Lauren Duffer will discuss securing a birth certificate and accomplishing co-parent adoptions in the state of Texas.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 11, 2012.