MCCGD moving to new location
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Dallas on Sunday, May 30, will hold its final worship services in the space the church has leased for the last four years at 2735 Villa Creek Drive.

The Rev. Colleen Darraugh

Starting Sunday, June 6 the church will hold services at the Holiday Inn Select North Dallas, and will continue to use that space for about six to eight weeks while renovations are completed at MCCGD’s new permanent home, church officials said. They said more information about the new permanent location will be released in weeks to come.

The move comes because the lease at Villa Creek Drive is ending and because of the congregation’s desire "to be wise stewards in this economy," according to church officials.

The May 30 service will include, as usual, music with Buddy Shanahan, prayer, sermon by the Rev. Colleen Darraugh and communion. It will also include a special blessing for and farewell to clergy intern D’Anna Chance, a seminary student at Perkins School of Theology who has completed her nine-month internship at MCCGD.

Church officials note that all the church’s furniture is already packed and ready for the move to the new location, so those attending the May 30 services are encouraged to dress comfortably and to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.

Lambda Legal receives grant
Officials with Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund this week announced that the LGBT legal organization has received a $1,500 grant from the Texas Bar Association.

The funds will be used to help Lambda Legal’s Dallas-based South Central Regional Office target African-American legal associations and educate black legal professionals about the unique legal issues impacting their LGBT clients.

"This grant will be invaluable to us as we broaden our profile in the African-American community," said Dennis Coleman, regional director. "The African-American LGBT community has unique needs and problems, and we can better serve it by strengthening our ties with black legal professionals. We hope to become their ‘go-to’ resource on LGBT legal issues and build partnerships with local attorneys that will help us fight the discrimination our communities face every day."   

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 28, 2010.
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