NTGLBT-10th-Anniversary-LogoGLBT Chamber accepts nominations
The North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for its annual Business Excellence Awards. Recipients represent the best of who we are as business and community leaders. Awards will be given in one or more of the following categories: Business of the Year, Community Service, Corporate Ally, Emerging Leader, Member Service and Supplier Diversity Champion.  The nomination period ends Sunday, Feb. 15. Awards will be presented at the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Excellence Dinner on Friday, April 24, at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel. The nomination form and more information are at Bit.ly/GLBTChamber2014.
LGBT Labor Leadership Training set
Pride at Work has announced the date for its 3rd LGBT Labor Leadership Training workshops. The membership-only training takes places April 17-18 at the AFL-CIO Building in Washington, D.C. Participants must be Pride at Work members and willing to work with a local P@W chapter. If you are not already a P@W member, you can become one through the registration page.
P@W will help start a local chapter. Alternative workshops are offered at Feb. 4–8 Creating Change in Denver; March 6-7 at the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute in Washington, D.C.; and Aug. 26-29 at the 2015 Pride at Work Convention in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Registration deadline is March 27. To register or more information visit Bit.ly/1CbvgNC.
Ladino Day Program and Week of Judeo-Spanish Culture at SMU
SMU celebrates the Second International Day of Ladino marking a week of celebrating Judeo-Spanish history and culture on Jan. 25. The series is sponsored by SMU’s Jewish Studies program. The celebration is 2–5 p.m. at McCord Auditorium, third floor of SMU’s Dallas Hall, 3225 University Blvd. Event includes lectures by Judeo-Spanish scholars, original music and personal stories related to the Judeo-Spanish language, history, and culture. The week includes lectures and the U.S. premiere of the movie “Saved by Language” about a Ladino/Judeo-Spanish speaker who survived the Holocaust at 5 p.m. on Jan. 28 in SMU’s Owen Fine Arts Center, 6101 Hillcrest Ave. For more information contact Rachel Amado Bortnick at bortnickra@sbcglobal.net or 972-458-2253.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 16, 2015.