Jones Day creates online database of marriage laws
The Jones Day law firm has launched a new website that tracks marriage equality in every country around the world.
Recently, the firm’s Dallas office offered to work pro bono for city of Dallas retirees who were being denied equal benefits by the Employee Retirement Fund. Had the ERF not changed its policy, the law firm was prepared to file a lawsuit on behalf of LGBT retirees.
Now, Jones Day has compiled the latest information on marriage equality around the world.
Some pages for places like Saudi Arabia, Russia or Texas simply cite relevant law that precludes marriage. Some places like California remain complicated. That state still recognizes domestic partnerships, so the legal differences between marriage and partnership are explained.
To check other jurisdictions, visit

Stonewall Democrats of Dallas interview candidates
Candidates for Dallas City Council and mayor seeking the endorsement of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas can attend a candidate screening from 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. on March 7 at Sue Ellen’s, 3014 Throckmorton St.
All members in good standing as of 30 days prior to this event are invited to participate. Others may attend, but can’t vote in the endorsements.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 6, 2015.