Walgreens raises money for AIDS Walk South Dallas
Throughout the month of January, 12 Dallas Walgreens will accept $1, $5 or $10 donations at check out to benefit AIDS Walk South Dallas. Just tell the cashier to add the amount for the walk.
Get more information at AIDSWalkSouthDallas.com.
The walk takes place on March 21 from St. Philip’s School on Pennsylvania Avenue near Fair Park. Funds raised benefits AIDS Interfaith Network.
TAG presents VIVA Las Vegas
Tyler Area Gays presents its 6th annual Viva Las Vegas ball at 7 p.m. on Jan 24 at Holiday Inn South Broadway in Tyler. The evening includes a DJ, a cash bar, casino tables and a Las Vegas impersonator contest.
Tickets are $35 online and $40 at the door. Get tickets and more information at TylerAreaGays.com
Preston Hollow Dems present panel
Preston Hollow Democrats present a panel on “Freedom of Assembly and Right to Protest Balanced with Police Duty to Protect, Defend and Serve,” at 6 p.m. on Jan. 8 at Preston Royal Library Auditorium, 5626 Royal Lane.
The program is a discussion among knowledgeable leaders concerning the challenges that Dallas and its police department faces as a result of the grand jury decisions not to indict in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Panelists include John Eric Coleman, professor, Criminal Justice Institute, University of North Texas, and Frank A. Perez, noted Dallas County criminal defense lawyer.
Bachman Branch offers ESL
The Bachman Lake Branch of the Dallas Public Library, 9480 Webb Chapel Road, begins offering free English as a Second Language classes from 2–4 p.m., on Jan. 3. The class runs 12 weeks. Registration is not necessary.
Participants should bring a pen, a notebook and $20 for a textbook. Information is available in Spanish at the ESL Citizenship Hotline at 214-340-9707.
Census Bureau is hiring
The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring field leaders and field supervisors to support the 2015 American Housing Survey.
The survey will be conducted May through August with training in March. The job is temporary and part time. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, access to an insured, reliable vehicle and a private telephone line. Apply at census.gov/regions/pdf/BC-170A.pdf.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 2, 2015.