10665302_416813328465635_8970774519307121026_nI’ll be the featured guest at 8 p.m. this Sunday, April 26 on the Funkytownpodcast. The weekly podcast, hosted by Jeffrey Lord with assistance from Zach Zeintech, features interviews with a wide variety of Fort Worth’s creative types.
Props to a buddy of mine, Fort Worth freelance writer Eddie Brown, who told Lord it’d be a good idea to host me.
I have an hour to an hour and a half to talk about myself. Besides my work on the “AIDS, drag queens and hate crimes” beat (otherwise known as the LGBT beat), I haven’t decided what I’ll exactly discuss just yet. But — shameless plug ahead — I imagine talking about attending a college that closed or being a Quaker or writing a crazy personal essay may, along with describing what it’s like to be on the Sen. Konni Burton beat, may take up a good chunk of time. Or maybe I’ll just stick to talking about the Imperial Court.
Regardless, I hope you’ll listen to the show on Sunday or if not, later in their archives.