Screen shot 2015-05-26 at 2.31.35 PMA week ago we posted this blog saying that the folks behind HavenCon, Texas’ first and only LGBTQ gaymers convention, had announced plans for the second annual con in 2016 and had launched an IndieGoGo page to raise they money they need to stage the convention.
Today, HavenCon organizers have announced they are talking to IndieGoGo to close the page and refund contributions so far, in light of the weather-related disasters — flooding, tornadoes, etc. — plaguing Texas.
Rather than try to explain it in my words, it’s easier to just share theirs:

Important Announcement RE: Texas Floods and HavenCon Indiegogo Contributions

Published on May 26, 2015 by Shane           

Hi Haven friends, just so you are all aware. I have contacted Indiegogo to see about refunding current contributions and closing our fundraiser.

I think right now human life and safety are a higher priority and I want people to be able to help those in need first.

This does mean that we might not be able to secure the venue in time for next years event.  But we will be speaking with them to see if we can have an extension on when that is due.

If we are not able to get that extension, we will cancel 2016 and aim for a relaunch in 2017.  Either way, we will keep you all updated.

Please hold any contributions you were considering donating at this time.

Also, any funds raised from our t-shirt campaign will be donated to local organizations to assist those in need during this time.

Thank you!

