With a little less than half the precincts reporting, the race for the Democratic nomination for Texas lieutenant governor remained close, with less than 50,000 votes separating Mike Collier and Michael Cooper. But Collier — who earned the endorsement of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas — has the advantage, with 53.3 percent of the vote.
Republican incumbent Dan Patrick, who pushed unsuccessfully for the Texas Legislature to pass an anti-transgender bathroom bill in 2017, is coasting to victory over Scott Milder. With 57.1 percent of the precincts reporting, Patrick leads with 75.8 percent.
In the race for the Democratic nomination in Texas Senate District 10 — held by LGBT ally Wendy Davis until she decided to run for governor in 2014 — former Burleson ISD school board member Beverly Powell appears to be on her way to victory over Allison Campolo. With 70 percent of the precincts reporting, Powell had 61.8 percent. If that holds, Powell will face Republican incumbent Konni Burton, elected in 2014, a staunch opponent of LGBT equality.
Powell has been endorsed by Davis, by Democratic Congressman Marc Veasey and by openly gay former Fort Worth Councilman Joel Burns, among others.
John Duncan, an openly gay Democratic candidate for U.S. representative District 6, appears to be finishing third behind Jana Lynne Sanchez and Ruby Faye Woolridge. With 81 percent of the precincts reporting, Sanchez was in the lead with 37.3 percent, looking ahead to a May 22 runoff with Woolridge, at 36.8 percent. Duncan had 13.7 percent. The winner of the runoff will face the winner of the Republican runoff between Ron Wright and J.K. “Jake” Ellzey.
State Rep. Eric Johnson, the Democratic incumbent in District 100and another LGBT ally, was coasting to victory over Sandra Crenshaw, claiming 70.5 percent of the votes with 74 percent of the precincts reporting. He has no Republican opponent in the general election.