Saddened by fights at the parade

During the Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade, I was on the Melrose lawn and several fights among a young "under 30" crowd of lesbians broke out. One girl was knocked out cold and they had to take her off in an ambulance.

Later they were even burning the clothes that one of the girls was wearing. Still later a young "punk" was trying to take on a guy who was merely trying to hear both sides of the story.

It was the worst display of "unity" I have ever seen in my life. We were supposed to be there to love one another, but we actually had to leave early because another fight was about to break out.

I think the younger generation needs to step back and see what our forefathers/mothers have gone through so that we are able to sit back and relax and enjoy a wonderful thing like a "Freedom Parade." It saddened me to see such a display.

They were so drunk three of them could not even stand up. It was shameful. I remember we got drunk, but we always took care of each other instead of diminishing each other.

I just had to say something; it’s in me to speak up. I broke one of the fights up just because that’s what I do when I see trouble.

But I urge the younger LGBT community to look within itself for peace and unity. We did not get here through fistfighting among ourselves.

Please, I beg of you, think before you react. You are a representation of all of us, not just yourself.

Kevin D. Spivey

A lesson in social skills

Just a question for the Dallas Voice: Why did ilume (the new complex on Cedar Springs ) find it neccesary to block access to the entire block between Douglas Avenue and Knight Street for parade watchers?

I found it offensive and quiet presumptuous of the staff of ilume to block access to Oak Lawn residents and parade watchers who were trying to use a city sidewalk.

The complex may be new and stylish, but they need a course in social skills. Money may buy a new residence on the strip, but it does not buy class.

George Castro

Buddies article a ‘living history’

The article about the life and times of Buddies, its owners and patrons was local journalism at its best ("Buddies is closing and an era is ending," Dallas Voice, Sept. 18).

I havenever been to this establishment or met any of the women profiled. Yet as I read their stories, I was struck by the depth of feeling they shared and the true loss that is about to come Sept. 27. This is a testament to their openness and the Dallas Voice for weaving together their accounts into a meaningful whole.

Everymajor city has a GLBT newspaper or weekly magazine but few have this depth of talent.What could be viewed as a story about a bar closingwascrafted into"living history" as told by those who lived it.

The GLBT community is very fortunate to have a weekly as credible and smart as the Dallas Voice.

Robert Fahr

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 24, 2009.
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