Thanks for article on Jesus Chairez
Thank you so much for your article on Jesus Chairez ("Adios, Santo Gay," Dallas Voice, March 28). Our community has really lost a champion. Good luck to him.

Richard Curtin

‘Ma’Ma’ Chairez has been a mentor, inspiration
Kudos to Dallas Voice and John Wright for the article on the "godfather" of the gay Latino movement in Dallas ("Adios, Santo Gay," Dallas Voice, March 28).
Although Jesus Chairez will be greatly missed by many, I will especially miss him because not only has he been a true genuine friend, more importantly he is a mentor and inspiration, and I am one of the few privileged to be able to call him "Ma’Ma Chairez."

A great man — J.F.K. — once said, "Change is the law of life, and those who look to the past are certain to miss the future."

So congrats on the move, Jesus, and much love.

I also want to thank Dallas Voice for the continued coverage of monumental movers and shakers, like Jesus Chairez, here in the city of Dallas and around the glove. Keep up the great effort.

Maxx Nunez

Article left out Chairez’s art, inclusiveness
I have read the article about Jesus Chairez ("Adios, Santo Gay," Dallas Voice, March 28) by John Wright that was subtitled "Jesus Chairez,´godfather’ of LGBT Latino movement, leaving Dallas."

I think it was a really good article because in just a short space, Wright wrote a biography of a man who, being only 54, has accomplished so much not only in his life, but in the life of the community.

Jesus Chairez is like a Renascence man: a visual artist, a radio man, an activist, a worker for the federal government (for 35 years). But, even though he had a great and positive influence in the life of the gay community, making a change that is already history, I think the article gave an incomplete picture of him.

The Chairez I know is a talented artist and an open-minded human being who opened doors with extreme generosity to his fellow artists, something rare in the field. Also, he wanted to make changes in society not only for the benefit of the gay community, but for everybody who knew him, regardless of race, sexual orientation, nationality or religion.

I think that with the addition of the last paragraph I wrote, the well-written article by Wright would be complete.

Mirta Toledo
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Chairez has helped with transition from Mexico
I’m very proud to say that I’m Jesus Chairez’s friend.

He has been my mentor since I came from Mexico four years ago. I met him after I called his "Sin Fronteras" show, and he’s been next to me through everything.

Thanks to him I’ve become a more cultural person, learned English, and most importantly he made the transition a breeze with his sense of humor and passion for life.

I will miss him very much. Thanks for the article ("Adios, Santo Gay," Dallas Voice, March 28).

Mario de la Luz

Not sad to see Chairez go
While it is likely a loss for the community, I am not sad to see Jesus Chairez’s departure from Dallas ("Adios, Santo Gay," Dallas Voice, March 28).

It has been my experience that Jesus often found prejudice where none actually existed. I failed to notice or speak directly to him once at the Oak Lawn Post Office, and Jesus misinterpreted this as a personal and racial transgression toward him and made quite the issue of it during my support of community radio.

Since I have long been involved socially and romantically with men of Latin descent and am married to one of mixed race (African-American and Mexican), I am one least likely to hold any prejudice of any sort against anyone in the Latin community or otherwise.

Rather than constantly seeking out prejudice when it might not have actually existed, it seems to me Jesus’ time in Dallas would have been much better spent looking to integrate himself with the entire gay community rather than focusing on segregating himself.

S. Kreg Bartley

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 4, 2008

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