A place of understanding
I read with great concern the story, "Faith-based Eviction?" (Dallas Voice, April 11) about the young gay man that was kicked out of the religious-based drug rehabilitation and homeless shelter.

While all the facts about this particular story still are being sorted out, it does underscore that not feeling welcomed, understood and affirmed is a common concern that LGBT people have about treatment programs, causing many to avoid seeking help altogether.

This story drives home the message that heterosexism and anti-gay rhetoric is still rampant even in places designed to help people. But delaying or avoiding care out of concern for not being accepted doesn’t have to be the only option.

Pride Institute has been in the DFW area for more than 10 years, proudly serving the LGBT community with mental health and chemical dependency care. As well, there are many doctors, psychiatrists and therapists that are welcoming and affirming, many who have made referrals to Pride Institute and who value its service to the LGBT community. There is an ample list of these professionals in the health care section of the directory in the back of the Voice.

I encourage anyone who needs help or has a friend who needs help, do not delay because you worry about being accepted as gay. Go where you will be welcomed and affirmed.

Curtis Smith,
Pride Institute

Straight and angry over ‘Christians’
The story of the gentleman who was tossed out of a drug rehab program ("Faith-based eviction?" Dallas Voice, April 11) nauseated me because it shows so clearly that, in 2008, the stupid are still controlling the world.

I’m "straight," but could care less about someone else’s sexuality. Thus, it angers me that in this day and age the Christian faith still chooses which of its rules they wish to follow. It’s too bad that they are so blinded bytheir own hatred that they can’t read that along with homosexuality (in a passage written by a guy who was so afraid of his own shadow that I’m astounded that he didn’t command shadows to disappear), several other prohibitions are also listed, including backbiting, etc.

I’m truly sorry that that young man is being maltreated for something that should be nobody’s business but his own.

Beverly Kurtin

Thanks to the theater fans
I am writing in response to the letter by Peggy Thomas and Deborah Haynes ("Dallas has better actors") that appeared in the April 11 issue of Dallas Voice.

I would like to thank Thomas and Haynes for including me in their list of local actors whom they felt gave noteworthy performances last season. It is truly an honor to be appreciated for your work by those who spend their time and money to attend the productions that all of us work so hard to present. After all, without you, our work would be meaningless.

I know I can speak for all the actors you named in your letter (I know and respect all of them, and have worked with them and/or seen their work on many occasions), as well as Coy Covington and Paul J. Williams (incredibly talented gentlemen deserving of any accolade bestowed upon them), when I convey to you both a heartfelt thank you for your obvious support of the Dallas theater scene.

Peggy and Deborah, I hope you will both remain patrons for years to come. Thank you.

Bradley Campbell

We welcome letters from readers. Shorter letters are more likely to be printed, as are those that address only a single topic. On some weeks we receive more letters than we can print. In that case, we print a representative sample. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity, but we attempt to maintain the writer’s substance and tone. Include your home address and a daytime phone number for verification. Send letters to the senior editor, preferably by e-mail (editor@dallasvoice.com). Letters also may be faxed (214-969-7271) or mailed (Dallas Voice, 4145 Travis St., Third Floor, Dallas, TX 72504).

These letters appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 18, 2008.

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