Sad to see TMC go

I have been a loyal patron of Throckmorton Mining Company for four years, since I turned 21. I was rather disappointed when I heard about the plans to close and move my favorite disco. I liked going there, because the guys there were preferred company to those at Station 4.

The music was also superior. They played a good mix of recent music with older classics that the more mature crowd appreciates. I’m a rarity in my generation who likes “old” music.

Hopefully the new TMC will be even better. I’ll just have to put up with the children at S4 until then. I did it before when they came to TMC while S4 was under construction.

The rumor I heard was that TMC will open by Labor Day at the current location of lesbian bar Sue Ellen’s, which is moving to the old TMC. I hope it’s not that long.

Chace Hall

Thanks for book honor

Thank you so much for running J.S. Hall’s article, “Tops and bottoms of ’07,” (Dallas Voice, Dec. 28).

I was honored and pleasantly surprised that he chose my book, “I Had to Say Something,” as one of the three best of 2007.

Coming from Dallas Voice, that means a lot.

So many LGBT publications are all about cover boys and parties and could care less about what’s really happening in the community.

The Voice has consistently been a wealth of valuable information, a place to begin and continue dialogue, and, most important to me, a source of quality and accurate journalism.

It is a great honor to be chosen by your paper as one of the best of 2007.

Sam Gallegos

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 4, 2008 vksaver-proпродвижение сайтов москва цена