Support for gay Christians
Many thanks for John Wright’s poignant story about James Stabile (“‘Ex “‘ex-gay’ recants,’ Dallas Voice, Dec. 21). My heartstrings were pulled by his struggle.

I’d like to call it to his attention that contrary to popular opinion Christianity and gay orientation and partnership are not incompatable. There is a splendid Web site Stabile might benefit from,
The founder, Justin Lee, is a devout Baptist young man who began his Web site as a personal outreach about six years ago. Now more than 7,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans folk have signed on, and I’d say about 600 to 700 members post regularly. There is a good gathering of Gay Christian Network (GCN) folk who get together regularly around Austin, and doubtless some of them live around Dallas too. I’d just like James Stabile to know he is not alone, and that God loves him as he is.

The Rev. Michael Edwards-Ronning,
pastor, St. Luke Lutheran Church
Willingboro, N.J.

Disgusted with interview
When I read Daniel Kusner’s interview with Tegan and Sara this past November, I was justifiably upset with the newspaper’s decision to print (and conduct), such an offensive article (“Attack of the clones,” Dallas Voice, Nov. 9).

The questions were not the typical probe into a “star’s” private life. Questions such as: “Have you and Sara always shared the same menstruation cycle?” and “Have you ever seen gay-twin porn?” were not only awkward for Tegan, who politely responded with one-word answers, they were uncalled for.

Fellow fans have emailed Kusner, only to be confronted with the same ignorant type of message. For example, he provided a friend of mine with a link to a “study” that analyzed the sexual appeal of gay twin incest.

Kusner’s article was directly antithetical to what I believe is the purpose of the Dallas Voice that is, to provide a supportive community and news reports that appeal to the GLBT community of Dallas. Further, Tegan herself mentioned the Voice interview in a later interview, recounting how she tried to send the message that she was uncomfortable. I really hope Kusner, who claims to be “joking,” realizes that the subject of his joke might not be a bigoted homophobe. Since Tegan is far from that, the stereotypical oversexualization of twin gay sisters, I guess, did not appeal to Tegan or to Tegan and Sara fans.

Berenice Villela

Editor’s Note: While responding to the e-mail Ms. Villela’s friend sent, I simply suggested that she try lightening up instead of sending the Dallas Voice-mails that include this kind of language: “You are the kind of gross human being that makes me wish I was a homicidal maniac. I’m not. But I can change. Keep up the good work! Jackass.”


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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition Friday, December 28, 2007. коэффициент конверсии формулацены на региональное продвижение сайта