Stop promoting man “‘saved’ at purity siege
I recently read your article on the mentally incompetent liar titled “Purity sieges lead gay man into bipolar hell” (Dallas Voice, Dec. 14).

I, for one, have some questions. Some things do not make sense. I have a deep frustration due to the fact that this young man gave an interview to the fundamentalist Christian community telling them what he thought they would like to hear. Then he recants and is using my source of news (a gay newspaper) to infiltrate his lies for more attention.

I Googled these “purity sieges” and found another article on this young man. It seems as though he has not only been on “The 700 Club,” but also other ministry Web sites. I have to ask myself how many interviews has he given and what is his goal. He has paraded this so -called testimony all over the Christian media and now he is trying to accomplish the same in the gay community.

It appears to me as though this kid plays both sides of the fence. He is a compulsive liar and needs professional help.
According to the experts, compulsive lying often stems from sociopathy or an antisocial personality disorder. It is common knowledge that sociopaths deceive and manipulate to gain personal profit. My question is, what is this mentally incompetent young man’s personal payoff in getting his lies and his name everywhere? And more importantly, what is your payoff for putting him there?

Can we take pride when our journalists are serving and promoting the sociopaths of our culture? Do we not have anything more remarkable to contribute to the world’s stage or should our journalists serve as the enablers of our insane media?

How conscientious it is for us to tuck and ride our issues into the coattails of a jaded, mentally ill individual’s roller coaster ride agenda. And kudos to his minister parents for doing this as well. It’s refreshing to see a gay man’s parents, supportive as usual, promoting their son’s exploitation.

I can go to sleep fulfilled at night knowing that the highlights of my concerns and my community’s concerns are expressed so sanely and rationally through the mind of a compulsive liar. I’m beginning to see the metaphor. Let’s hear more from this guy. He’s making me question the basis for everything that I believe in. And to think that I used to believe I was a rational, intelligent gay man.

Don Smith

Solutions to crime problem start with you
I just read the article about the shooting in Oak Lawn that prompted crime watch activist Nancy Weinberger’s concerns about the transition of the area from the Dallas Police Department’s Central Division to the Northwest Division.

I, too, was upset over the switch when I heard about it because I had been working closely with Deputy Chief Brian Harvey and interactive community officer Keith Allen of the Central Division on issues in East Dallas and Oak Lawn both.
After attending some recent meetings I now know Chief David Kunkle wants the same for the whole city no matter which division your neighborhood is in.

I recently attended one of the crime summits put on by the department and am sad to report that police staff outnumbered the residents who attended. I met many of the new staff from Central and have met a few from Northwest as well.

We need to remember that no matter where you live or hang out in Dallas, you pay the taxes that pay police salaries. We need more people to attend neighborhood meetings and things like the crime summits for the police to do their jobs properly. More police presence doesn’t necessarily mean safer neighborhoods, although it helps. More involvement from the public is what makes a difference. We don’t spend money on other things without knowing what it’s spent on. The same goes for our tax money.

Once you meet your teams working your areas you then know whom to hold accountable and who’s responsible for their accountability. If things aren’t working the way we want them to, show up and voice your concern and bring some ideas to the table.

Join the neighborhood activists and leaders in voicing your concerns at the meetings the Dallas police are always attending. Along with the changes in Oak Lawn will come changes in the way the city handles the area.

Kudos to Gay Bingo for moving to Oak Lawn. The more we shop, eat and hold our organizations’ meetings and functions in the area, the busier the area will get, and this means the city will have to pay more attention to the area. Stop and chat with police when you see them in the area. Working with them means they work more for us.

Mike Lo Vuolo

Review of Turtle Creek restaurant was delectable
As a former insider of the restaurant at The Mansion on Turtle Creek under Chef Dean Fearing’s command, I wanted to commend Dallas Voice staffer Arnold Wayne Jones on his splendid dining review “Love and Fearing’s in Dallas” (Dallas Voice, Nov. 8).

His delectable prose did, indeed, “unfold on the tongue in little flavor cascades,” as he accurately discovered each and every ingredient while demonstrating his own epicurean prowess.

As the hunger pangs subsided, I was reminded of just how spoiled I had been by a daily dose of Dean’s cuisine and by your writer’s own recipe for success.

Arnold Wayne has got me “Jones’n” for more.

Jeffery Scott Taylorson

To send a letter

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 21, 2007. odnobot.ruсмета на продвижение сайта