Indeed, Bailey arrest hurts us all

Oh my God! Am I now thinking like the GOP? I say this because in a recent letter to the editor in the Dallas Voice I read, and agreed, with Rob Schlein, president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas, where he states that the Shannon Bailey situation “hurts all of us.” This is so true.

For example, I did not know the name Shannon Bailey until his arrest. And now I, like most people, know that name and what he was arrested for.

Christy Kinsler in a letter to the editor asks, “how many of you have never done the nasty in a car, or in a tent?” The truth be known, most all of us have “warts, including many of our leaders.” Though this statement may be true, one has to understand that maybe most of us are normal, everyday people and if caught, who cares? But people in public political positions representing us need to take a higher road. If not, then become an artist where situations like this do not matter that much, i.e. George Michael.

Bottom line, Shannon Bailey’s arrest for having public sex is a distraction, and he should resign. I think Bailey’s situation is not just about him, but also about us as well. The LGBT community has already lost lots of political ground and we cannot afford to lose more due to his self-centeredness.

Jesus Chairez

Story left out JCPenney as gay-friendly

As for “other local employers that scored well in the Corporate Equality Index” (Dallas Voice, Sept. 21), you missed one!

JCPenney also scored 100 and like Kroger, which was mentioned in your article, JCPenney’s HRC score also increased by an impressive 50 points.

JCPenney has made, and continues to make, tremendous strides in LGBT inclusion and diversity. In addition to our perfect HRC score, JCPenney is a corporate sponsor of the HRC Black Tie Dinner, Dallas/Fort Worth AIDS Lifewalk, DIFFA, the National Out & Equal Conference, and the GLAAD Media Awards.

Hopefully, you also saw JCPenney walk in the recent Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade. From the cheers of the crowd, they recognized that we indeed value all of our associates.

Mike DeGroot, chair
JCPenney Gay & Lesbian Educational Associate Network

Article on Miller unnecessary

I do not know Doug Miller personally, nor am I representing him as his attorney. Having said that, I found your article about his circumstances to be unnecessary and uncalled for. I agree that certain people should be held to a higher standard. Examples of these are elected officials, members of the clergy and law enforcement. There is nothing that Mr. Miller does that affects my life as a gay man in Dallas on a regular basis. It seems that your article was principally motivated by the desire for revenge on the part of Mr. Miller’s enemies.

Other articles of far more importance to all of us could have occupied that space instead.

Some examples: a study of where the major presidential candidates stand on HIV/AIDS funding, or an article about how the working-class LGBT community is being priced out of Oak Lawn, or a profile of those working to eradicate racism and sexism in our own community. The Voice does a lot of good in covering issues vital to the Dallas LGBT community; please think twice before descending to the level of a gay National Enquirer.

John Loza

Theater community adores Miller

As a very active member of the Dallas theater community, I take great issue with your Inside Edition-like article/expos? about our beloved Doug Miller.

This situation is not even remotely “ripping the theater community apart.” While we do our fair share of gossiping, this has not been a topic of conversation. Those who knew of it early on chose to handle it in a respectful manner and not discuss it. Only those small, petty people who have long waged a vendetta against Doug were trying desperately to make this a public drama.

Even with their greatest efforts, they have been ignored. We as a family recognize when one of our own is being needlessly attacked by those tiny people who have personal issues with him. Despite their smearing tactics, many are just finding out about this because of this article, not because of the “war” waged in our community. We respect Doug too much to stoop to their level.

The maturity of those involved in trying to hurt Doug is illustrated by the use of one’s Myspace page. Myspace? I think some of the girls at the local junior high schools are using their myspace pages to try to ruin their enemies’ lives.

Doug Miller has dedicated his life to making the Dallas theater community a strong and vibrant one.

I always find it interesting when people criticize those who are actually working. They don’t like it?

Quit pointing fingers and get off your duff and do something.

This community adores Doug Miller. I have never heard anyone but these two people speak an ill word against him. Never.

He is a precious man that is an amazing friend, director and human being.

Cara Statham Serber

We stand behind Miller more than ever

I join with other colleagues from the Dallas theater community in support of a great man, Doug Miller.

For the few intent at throwing stones at Doug’s reputation, nice try. However, his body of work, unwavering commitment towards theatrical excellence, loyal friendships, and amazing talent will withstand these attacks.

I am disappointed in this publication’s decision to print this article under the guise of information even remotely considered as being newsworthy.

That being said, those of us who have always been in Doug Miller’s corner stand behind him now with even more resilience.

Lisa Hassler

Leave Queen Latifah alone

I am writing in response to “Queen of ignorance?” (Dallas Voice, Sept. 21), by Daniel A. Kusner, Life+Style editor.

It is intolerable that you, Mr. Kusner, were allowed to use the power of the press as a vehicle for retribution against Queen Latifah, especially since you seem to have only received some self-perceived slight to your ego. Your article was journalism at its worst. Your unprofessionalism is reprehensible.

You gossiped and made disparaging remarks about Queen Latifah’s sexual orientation. You deliberately used the Family Place director’s concern that gays and lesbians are often not entitled to the services of organizations that provide support and care for the victims of domestic abuse.

You linked Queen Latifah’s comments in Glamour Magazine on the word marriage as contributing to the director’s concerns when the director’s concerns were for gays and lesbians in states where, by law, gays and lesbians are denied the rights that heterosexuals receive in their legally recognized relationship called marriage no matter what term or word is used for the homosexual equivalent.

Did you intentionally fail to include that gays and lesbians living in states like Vermont that have domestic partnership laws recognizing the legality of gay and lesbian relationships, organizations can provide care and support for victims of domestic violence.

You imply in your article that Queen Latifah wouldn’t answer your questions because of the nature of the questions and that because you write for a gay publication, you were not afforded the same opportunities for asking questions as the journalist writing for straight publications. Mr. Kusner, you need to reread your article with an open mind.

It saddens me greatly that you tried to use the gay and lesbian community in obtaining your retribution against Queen Latifah. You asked the gay and lesbian community not to at
tend Queen Latifah’s concert in Dallas with no justification for such action.

I find it totally incomprehensible that while attempting to punish Queen Latifah you would also punish the Family Place.

Please apologize to Queen Latifah, the Family Place, and the gay and lesbian community.

Thomas M. Osborne

Latifah’s comments ignore Bible

If as Queen Latifah says (Dallas Voice, Sept. 21), God created marriage for a man and a woman only, and not for gays, did God also create divorce for a man and a woman? I cannot find any passage from the Bible where this occurs. In fact Matthew 19:6 states, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

I believe legislatures have enacted divorce laws in obvious contradiction to the Bible.

Again and again people pick and choose the parts of the Bible they follow and use those passages to discriminate against gays. Jesus never spoke against homosexuality. He did speak against divorce.

Maybe the people who lived in his day and afterward were not ready to hear the full truth about sexual orientation so consequently no Bible passages refer to gay families.

Jeffery Weber


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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 28, 2007 сайтакция приведи друга получи скидку