Women need to vote

Aug. 26, 2007 is Women’s Equality Day. So proclaims President George W. Bush.

The proclamation states, “On Women’s Equality Day, we commemorate the adoption of the 19th Amendment to our Constitution and the strong leadership of extraordinary women who have made America a more perfect Union by advancing women’s suffrage. .Our Nation is grateful for the bold leadership of American women who have opened doors of opportunity for women of future generations. On Women’s Equality Day we honor the suffragists and all those who seek to expand equality in our world.”

Really George? That’s worth repeating: “All those who seek to expand equality in our world.”

I don’t think he means it. Do you?

The rights of all, including the LGBT community, are still being debated as a morality issue. Some don’t like us. Some don’t think we deserve equality. Some don’t want us to have our rights.

Women have the right to vote and fought for 72 years to get that right. We still don’t have equal pay, equal opportunity or equal access to the law. But we do have the right to vote.

So do it. As a woman, as a lesbian, as someone who realizes that we have not yet gained full equality. Vote.

If you haven’t registered to vote, please stop by the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas voter registration booth in front of the Crossroads Market Cafe and Bookstore, located on 3930 Cedar Springs Road in Dallas, this Sunday, on Women’s Equality Day, from noon to 6 p.m.

Erin Moore, vice president,
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

Rare Reporter made assumptions

Regarding David Webb’s Rare Reporter column about the Rev. Robert Jeffress (“Baptist pastor’s 30-year dream becomes reality,” Dallas Voice, Aug. 17).
I am a member at First Baptist Church of Wichita Falls.

Throughout time, Satan has used individuals to attack men inspired by the Holy Spirit who are called to accomplish God’s purpose. While Mr. Webb may not realize it, he is being used in such a way. Instead of confronting whatever insecurities that may become him when he is confronted with the biblical truth about the gay and lesbian lifestyle, he hides behind attacks.

His opinion is unwarranted and likely uninformed. Has he ever heard Dr. Jeffress speak? Has he ever read one of his books? Or is he resting in assumptions based on stereotypes?

Mr. Webb may consider it laughable, but I believe that God does speak. I believe that He spoke to Dr. Jeffress to bring him to Wichita Falls for 15 years (hardly a mere stepping stone to Dallas), and used Dr. Jeffress in a mighty way.

I believe that He spoke to Dr. Jeffress again to call him to FBC Dallas. I believe the calling of pastors to churches goes far beyond “employment fortune.”

I believe that God’s great purpose for Dr. Jeffress in Dallas is the reason that Satan is attempting to begin his distracting attacks.

Most importantly, I believe that Jesus died for our sins to save us. To save Mr. Webb, if he would accept His call.

I would urge Mr. Webb, instead of making the typical response that he would usually make to this situation, to search a little deeper, and that maybe he will could hear God speak as well.

Bryce Perry
Wichita Falls

Watch out, Dallas

I saw your article on Dr. Robert Jeffress (“Baptist pastor’s 30-year dream becomes reality,” The Rare Reporter, Dallas Voice, Aug. 17). It was sent to me by a group of people who love him, are praying for him and are very proud of him. You can’t deny God’s favor and great blessings on him.

We got it here in Wichita Falls! So, watch out Dallas!

Loving and praying for you.

Melissa Ward
Wichita Falls

What do you expect from High Point?

All of the letters to Dallas Voice decrying the actions of the High Point Church in Arlington have completely missed the point.

Follow the money: How long do you think it took High Point to send an emergency appeal to its mailing list screaming for help in dealing with a God-awful attack from Radical Homosexuals who are on the verge of converting all their children and grandchildren to flaming queer-dom and cause them to miss eternal life with the rest of the family? And High Point is the only entity trying to stop it!

High Point is milking the publicity for every penny (and dollar) it’s worth. The more strident our stories and letters, the more loot they’ll haul in at High Point. Our outrage is literally worth its weight in gold as part of their fundraising. Just imagine the letters: “Won’t you send the largest check you’ve ever written so we can send God an e-mail that you’re on His side and to put 10 times that check in your account today.”

You’re a fool to expect any Christian love and charity (or shame) from money grubbers who got their theology watching Falwell, Swaggart, Jim and Tammy, etc.

Albert Hastings

Unitarian Universalists welcome everyone

We read with great sadness and disappointment, and not a little outrage, of the Arlington church that denied the use of their building for a funeral because the deceased was a gay man. We seek not to protest or rehash facts, but to remind that any of the 13 Unitarian Universalist congregations in North Texas would be open to hosting such a service.

Unitarian Universalism honors the worth and dignity of every individual, with welcoming acceptance as a cornerstone of our faith. Our affirmation begins, “Love is the doctrine of our church,” and we have a long history of standing on the side of love, with many gays and lesbians as full members of our church families.

For centuries, we have taken stands on matter of principle, even at the cost of controversy. However, unlike the other church, we draw a circle of inclusion instead of exclusion. To those who are seekers of truth and meaning in this harsh and complex world, we invite you to our sanctuary.

We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Sinclair.

M. Ellsberry, president
North Texas UU Societies

A reminder about bigotry

The LGBT communities and it’s straight allies around the country have the memory of Cecil Howard Sinclair to thank for the reminder that bigotry and discrimination are still rampant in this country. Although I am not a religious person myself, when incidents like this happen, I begin to wonder sometimes if things do happen for a reason. What happened to Cecil’s family is what happens daily to minorities in this country.

Although we didn’t have time to schedule a protest at High Point Church, enough media around the country covered the story and there will be one of two outcomes. Either High Point has realized they made a mistake and will change their ways, or High Point will continue to preach hate and discrimination.

I don’t know about you but I’m putting my money on the second outcome. Pastor Gary Simons of Hight Point was quoted saying that their “decision was based on principal not discrimination.” Well hopefull,y they now realize that their principals are discriminating.

On a daily basis the LGBT community is legally discriminated against when it comes to jobs, housing, religious beliefs and many other factors in our daily lives. The memory of Cecil and the actions of High Point church should be a lesson to the LGBT community that we along with our straight allies MUST stick together to make positive changes.

Get invovled in LGBT organizations and find out how you can make a difference so that we can all live together without facing ugly discrimination. We will only see change once the majority of us become involved in some small way.

It’s the
preachers and members of churches like High Point who fight us continually while we try to become the last minority group in this country to not have civil rights. Unless we fight back by becoming educated and involved, nothing will change. Just imagine what changes would be made if churches who discriminate had to start paying taxes.

My heartfelt condolences to the family of Cecil Howard Sinclair.

Mike Lo Vuolo

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 24, 2007 games mobiпродвижение веб сайтов