Cedar Springs “disturbing, scary”
Nearly any weekend I decide to go down and shop or eat on Cedar Springs, I come across the panhandlers and singers, all who are disturbing and scary.
Not that I could not defend myself if accosted, I still have those nasty little martial arts skills used and well honed from my youth and military service. But I should not have to worry over such issues walking down a busy retail street in the heart of Dallas. It’s very disconcerting.

Michael Gingrich

Jubilee happy in Mesquite
Please be advised that Jubilee Fellowship has found and moved into a permanent physical location in Mesquite.

We have been in this location and have thoroughly enjoyed it since Oct. 1. The city of Mesquite has responded very warmly and cooperative to our presence.

We have a marvelous relationship our present landlord, the mayor of Mesquite, as well as various other city officials. We truly feel that we have found our place in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Our new address is 3909 Casa Ridge Drive, and our new phone number is 972-698-7356.

Pastor Charles Morrow

HRI leaders change roles
In 2006 Human Rights Inititataive will benefit from the changing roles of three key staff members.

As of Nov. 15, I was appointed chief executive officer, Betsy Healy shifted her focus to strengthening the agency’s legal services in the role of acting legal director. HRI is pleased to announce that after a nationwide search for a legal director, Yolanda Eisenstein will assume that position on Feb. 1. She has been the legal director of the HRI Child Immigrant Project since 2004. Under Yolanda’s direction in 2005, HRI provided quality legal services to 88 children who would not have otherwise been represented.

Yolanda’s expertise and tenure with HRI will make for a seamless transition for HRI and it clients. She has been involved in all aspects of HRI’s work and will now oversee the legal department’s work in asylum, domestic violence and trafficking. The child Immigrant Project will continue to be a priority and Yolanda will direct the program until a new attorney is hired. As Yolanda fills the role of HRI legal director, the agency will continue to benefit from Ms. Healy’s expertise as she joins the HRI board of directors.

These shifts in duties will allow HRI to maximize the strengths of its three key leaders and will result in the agency’s continued success .

Cannon Flowers

City leaders to outline plans
Our section of Dallas is booming. As such, I have invited all of our city’s top managers to meet with you at a community meeting. They will inform you and answer questions about all of the major developments It would mean a lot to me to have you attend at Hitt Auditorium, 1441 N. Beckley Ave., on January 23 at 6 p.m.

Councilman Ed Oakley
District 3, Dallas

To send a letter
We welcome letters from readers. Shorter letters are more likely to be printed, as are those that address only a single topic. On some weeks we receive more letters than we can print. In that case, we print a representative sample. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity, but we attempt to maintain the writer’s substance and tone. Include your home address and a daytime phone number for verification. Send letters to the senior editor, preferably by e-mail (editor@dallasvoice.com). Letters also may be faxed (214-969-7271) or mailed (Dallas Voice, 4145 Travis St., Third Floor, Dallas, TX 72504).

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition of January 20, 2006.
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