Thanks for the car club coverage

I want to thank the Dallas Voice for the coverage it gave our car club, Classic Chassis Car Club, in Dallas Voice Fall 2006 Auto Guide, published Aug. 11. Both the Classic Chassis and the Dallas Voice portray a positive image of the gay community. Our club has been a member of the community for quite a few years, but there are still many folks that do not know about us.

Again Thanks for the exposure.

Ed Lavelle


Classic Chassis a great Car Club

I’m writing to let you know how much I enjoyed the article about the Classic Chassis Car Club. I’ve only been a member for a short time, but I can tell you that I’ve really enjoyed it.

I’ve always thought it important for gay men and women to have social outlets other than bars and nightclubs, and for me this club fulfills that role.

Duane B. Schroeder


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, August 25, 2006. рейтинг продаж товаров в интернете