Thanks, Dallas

Earlier this month I had the honor to serve as chair of the host committee for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s 14th National HIV Planning Leadership Summit conference in Dallas. The city did a great job in making the 1.600 people who attended get more than a great conference. From the comments of those who traveled here, the gay and lesbian community was one of the most friendly and welcoming the attendees had ever experienced. Considering that this conference was in San Francisco last year, I think that says a lot).

What was most rewarding was to have 125 volunteers from all over the Metroplex come together, work as a team, and make the experience memorable. It’s not often that area HIV agency staff, clients, and community members all get a chance to show off our big hair and put on pretty smiles as one large group – but we sure did. I can’t glow enough!

Jamie Schield

What’s raised in Dallas should stay in Dallas

Since the requirements for groups to be even be considered as receipents of funds raised by the Black Tie Dinner were revealed, I have been asking a question which no one seems to know the answer or is willing to answer.

That question is: Is the Human Rights Campaign Foundation under the same requirments as the other groups and organization are under in order to receive funds raised by the Black Tie Dinner?

If the foundation does not have to adhere to the same rules, regulations, and requirments as everyone else does then I want to add my voice to those who have been saying more of the money raised locally should stay within Dallas and then other groups in Texas. Why should they be entitled to the lion’s share of what is raised locally if they don’t have to do anything but show up? The volunteers who do the work are all local so their hard work should be rewarded by more of the funds they help raise staying right here in Dallas.

Maybe it is time that the Black Tie Dinner folks rethink who really does the work to make the event a success each year.

Wayne Norman

Let them vote
I read in the paper that illegals might have voted in the recent elections, and oh, what an outcry. But judging from the record low turnouts at the polls, I say let “’em. Someone’s got to make electoral decisions for us, since apparently, citizens don’t want to. Perhaps those who’ve crawled through mud and dodged vigilantes to get here, will actually appreciate the privilege.

Bill Carlisle

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 23, 2006. разместить сайт на google