As a member of both Stonewall Democrats of Dallas and Oak Lawn Library Friends, I want to say a triple thank you to Caven Enterprises and Dallas Voice.

First, thank you for doing so much to prove that ours is a caring community by giving to Sam Houston Elementary School and by writing about those gifts ("Good neighbors, great holidays," Dallas Voice, Dec. 18).

Second, thank you for donating and promoting the extra gifts Caven gave to the Oak Lawn Library for the children’s Christmas Party, held Dec. 19. We had a total of 80 excited participants: 79 small and young, one tall and old (me). The amounts of fruit, gifts and other goodies were just amazing.

Third, thank you for mentioning that Caven Enterprises had also given an English-Spanish dictionary to each third-grader. You alerted those of us who work with the Oak Lawn Library that there is a nearby school full of worthy recipients for any extra ESL materials we receive for children or parents. •

Phyllis Guest

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 25, 2009.
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