Thanks to David Webb

I want to express my thanks and compliments to David Webb on a job well done ("Will cuts be the library’s deathblow?" Dallas Voice, June 4). I realize that a journalist needs to be objective. However, I know that the newspaper can put forth a great deal of information, and it needs to reach people like the Dallas mayor, who never uses a library because he has cable and Internet at his fingertips. Not everyone is so fortunate.

Here in Florida, the Senate tried to axe $21 million of state aid to public libraries, and we were able to subvert it.

I’m in the process of building a new library in a suburban town, and it’s a challenge. I patronize it, rather than our city library, because I pass the library every day after work, and the other library is 3 miles across town.

You know what a community center that Oak Lawn Library is. I mean, it’s not just about crime watch, anymore. Any help Dallas Voice provides will be so much appreciated, more than you might ever know.

P.D. Sterling

Polk County, Fla.
Librarian appreciates support

I also thank David Webb for his wonderful article in on the library ("Will cuts be the library’s deathblow?" Dallas Voice, June 4) and the eloquence and inspiring common sense it showed. It’s so gratifying to hear support from all facets of the community. It helps us feel much less taken for granted. We on the committee are deeply touched and grateful, and appreciate the support more than we can say.

Cathy Ritchie
Dallas Public Library

Holcomb is a true leader

Thanks for highlighting Craig Holcomb’s accomplishments ("The man with the plan for parks," Dallas Voice, June 4).

As a former neighborhood leader and elected official, I have to say Craig was not only a mentor to me, but to many others.

His many individual contributions are impressive, but his footprint of civic involvement is multiplied many times over by those he has helped, mentored, and partnered with in our community.

Veletta Forsythe Lill
Dallas (via

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition June 11, 2010.
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